Linus Health raises $55M for early screening for Alzheimer’s disease

VENTUREBEAT, 06/07/2021

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Beesens TEAM

Linus Health raises $55M for early screening for Alzheimer’s disease

"Linus Health, a digital health company focused on improving brain health, has raised $55 million in funding for screening tools to diagnose dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Morningside Ventures led the round, and existing investors participated. The funds will enable Boston-based Linus Health to grow its team and accelerate the development of its platform to address the urgent need for cognitive screenings and insights as the prevalence of dementia grows to more than a million diagnoses per year in the U.S. alone.

Linus’ platform offers an accessible, noninvasive, and time-efficient method to assess cognitive health, including pre-symptomatic detection of cognitive impairment, which optimizes interventional outcomes and advances research capabilities.

The funding news follows a string of studies that validate the efficacy of the Linus platform in detecting cognitive diseases, said David Bates, CEO of Linus Health, in an interview with VentureBeat.

“Some reports would say Alzheimer’s disease starts to set in 20 years before it becomes clinical,” Bates said. “So what are those very, very early symptoms? And through lifestyle modification, can you enable disease course modification? I’d say there’s a good body of evidence to suggest yes, you can. The sooner we can intervene, the better the outcome will be.”..." Lire la suite

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