"Health care is an industry in need of innovation. Health plans, providers, life sciences companies, and the government are facing rising costs an inconsistent outcomes. Our current health care system’s performance can be defined by its rules, policies, regulations, enabling technologies, operating models, customs, and patient and provider preferences; together, these elements comprise the frontier of what is possible. They also serve as the constraints to what can be achieved. For far too long the health care industry’s performance, despite attempts to spur progress, has remained at the edge of this frontier. The industry needs to break current constraints and expand the frontier to achieve true breakthrough performance. While the constraints are many, the traditional, dominant, fee-for-service (FFS) payment model, in particular, does not align provider incentives with the goal of achieving more for less." En bref issu de l'étude.
Rédacteur(s) de la fiche : Beesens TEAM
1 - In tincidunt nunc ac velit tristique
- Pellentesque congue, magna elementum suscipit vestibulum
- Aenean eleifend sodales ipsum vitae consequat
- Quisque est leo tempus vel purus eu, placerat tincidunt nisl
2 - Sed lobortis elit vitae mollis consectetur
- In tincidunt nunc ac velit tristique
- Donec accumsan elit ac ornare eleifend
- Sed pellentesque suscipit quam ut finibus
- Fusce imperdiet neque sit amet ipsum ullamcorper scelerisque
3 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Pellentesque congue, magna elementum suscipit vestibulum
- Aenean eleifend sodales ipsum vitae consequat
- Quisque est leo tempus vel purus eu, placerat tincidunt nisl
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