Is my healthcare organisation’s data secure and private in the cloud?

ORIONHEALTH, 01/12/2020

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Beesens TEAM

Is my healthcare organisation’s data secure and private in the cloud?

"Privacy and security of an individual’s healthcare data is paramount. One of the most common concerns about cloud computing is how secure is it to have all your health data accessible via an Orion Health platform on a cloud-based server?

This is especially important when healthcare organisations need to comply with regulatory requirements like the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the protection of personal data, or the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for secure data portability, or meet HITRUST Alliance’s CSF, an industry-mediated certifiable standard for safeguarding sensitive information.

Cloud providers can manage data, keep security solutions up-to-date, document access and provide reports that the end-user needs to prove compliance.

Cloud computing makes security a top priority

The cloud is configured to protect your information. It can improve the ability of healthcare organisations to meet core security and compliance requirements, such as data locality, protection and confidentiality with comprehensive services and features. The cloud also allows organisations to automate manual security tasks, so your organisation does not have to struggle to keep up with the current requirements.

Orion Health Cloud makes security a top priority, with data protection measures and defences in place to keep infrastructure and your healthcare organisation’s important clinical data secure. On Amazon Web Services (AWS), healthcare organisations can gain access to an environment built for the world’s most secure organisations. In addition, AWS makes security easier by managing over 1800 security controls – so you don’t have to..." Lire la suite

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