Are Psychologists The Next Target For AI & Machine Learning?

analyticsinsight, 10/02/2021

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Beesens TEAM

Are Psychologists The Next Target For AI & Machine Learning?

"According to a WHO prediction, by 2020, roughly 20% of India will suffer from some mental illness and 450 million people currently suffer from a mental illness, worldwide.

These numbers are a wake-up call that psychology as an issue and psychologists as a profession must be taken seriously. Such helping professions are often considered as human channels. Unlike manual workers whose job responsibilities are being taken over by machines and AI bots, psychiatrists and counselors see no threat to their professions with the advancements of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

According to an influential survey of the future of employment by Carl Benedikt Frey and Micheal Osborne who are Oxford economists, the probability that psychology could be automated in the future is only 0.43%. Behavioral scientists who study organizational behavior also believe that the idea of automating psychology has now become out of date. There is rather less scope for automation in psychology. It’s a humane profession that requires a human touch. For a psychologist, empathy and intuitive skills are a necessity that cannot be replicated by a machine. But there is some debate about this...." Lire la suite