Two healthcare apps available for prescription in Germany for first time

healthcareitnews, 19/10/2020

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Beesens TEAM

Two healthcare apps available for prescription in Germany for first time

"On 5 October, the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) officially granted doctors in Germany permission to prescribe apps to their patients for the first time.
Currently, two apps have been approved, making it the first country to prescribe insured health apps.
The first apps were unveiled last week after making it through the test procedure from the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). They are the Kalmeda app, which aims to help with tinnitus, and Velibra, a therapy programme for anxiety disorders.
While only 6% of patients have used paid medical apps in the past, almost 60% would use these digital tools if their physician prescribed them and the costs were covered by the payer.
The costs are to be covered by the statutory health insurance (GKV) in what is thought to be a world first..." Lire la suite

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