Machine learning IDs schizophrenia via MRI with 78% accuracy

Healthimaging, 13/07/2018

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Beesens Team

Machine learning IDs schizophrenia via MRI with 78% accuracy

“A machine learning algorithm trained to analyze MRI images identified schizophrenia patients with 78 percent accuracy, according to a recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry . The researchers, led by Bo Cao with the University of Alberta in Canada, designed the algorithm to measure connections in the superior temporal cortex to other regions in the brain when analyzing MRI images, according to a news release from the university. Cao said that developing a personalized treatment plan for schizophrenia patients, and those with mental illness in general is an ongoing challenge, and his team hopes to extend their research into other areas of mental illness such as major depressive and bipolar disorder. "We have a Computational Psychiatry group at U of A with a team of excellent clinicians and scientists to work collaboratively on this challenging problem." ...“

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