"Digital technologies are being harnessed to support the public-health response to COVID-19 worldwide, including population surveillance, case identification, contact tracing and evaluation of interventions on the basis of mobility data and communi- cation with the public. These rapid responses leverage billions of mobile phones, large online datasets, connected devices, relatively low-cost computing resources and advances in machine learning and natural language processing. This Review aims to capture the breadth of digital innovations for the public-health response to COVID-19 worldwide and their limitations, and barriers to their implementation, including legal, ethical and privacy barriers, as well as organizational and workforce barriers. The future of public health is likely to become increasingly digital, and we review the need for the alignment of international strategies for the regulation, evaluation and use of digital technologies to strengthen pandemic management, and future pre- paredness for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases." En bref issu de l'étude.
Rédacteur(s) de la fiche : Beesens Teams
1 - In tincidunt nunc ac velit tristique
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- Aenean eleifend sodales ipsum vitae consequat
- Quisque est leo tempus vel purus eu, placerat tincidunt nisl
2 - Sed lobortis elit vitae mollis consectetur
- In tincidunt nunc ac velit tristique
- Donec accumsan elit ac ornare eleifend
- Sed pellentesque suscipit quam ut finibus
- Fusce imperdiet neque sit amet ipsum ullamcorper scelerisque
3 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
- Pellentesque congue, magna elementum suscipit vestibulum
- Aenean eleifend sodales ipsum vitae consequat
- Quisque est leo tempus vel purus eu, placerat tincidunt nisl
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