Digital Twins for Managing Health Care Systems: Rapid Literature Review

JMIR, 16/08/2022

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Beesens TEAM

Digital Twins for Managing Health Care Systems: Rapid Literature Review

"One of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy is the health care industry. For a complex system like a hospital, many problems and obstacles arise owing to the variability resulting from the incongruity between demand, and capacity and resource availability. In addition to the operational management of resources, having an almost instantaneous and reliable vision of the available resources would permit a more adaptive management of the resources as the demand varies. As the demand changes, managing staff schedules, patient flow, bed sizes, and room usage would be a challenge. Technology-based strategies can be promising contributors to improving the efficiency of health care delivery. The increasing adoption of various health information technologies has created new channels for management [3] and communication that revolutionize health care systems.

Meanwhile, a revolution toward an intelligent industry or “Industry 4.0” combining advanced technologies emerged in 2011..." Lire la suite