Étude et rapport

Global Governance Toolkit for Digital Mental Health: Building Trust in Disruptive Technology for Mental Health


Auteur(s) :

Stephanie Allen, Arnaud Bernaert

Éditeur(s) :

World Economic Forum

Date de publication :06/04/2021

72 pages


« Mental health and behavioural health disorders impose a significant and under- recognized burden on the global healthcare system, affecting social needs, basic human rights and the economy. Between a quarter and a half of the global population is affected by a mental disorder at some point in life.1 The human cost is immense: 800,000 people commit suicide every year. Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. People suffering from untreated mental health disorders are unable to realize their desired potential and are all too often exposed to a wide range of human rights violations.2 Between 2011 and 2030, the cumulative economic output loss associated with mental disorders is projected to be $16.3 trillion worldwide.3 The secondary consequences of mental ill-health are estimated to cost employers $2,000 per employee per year from presenteeism (i.e. being present but unable to focus), absenteeism and unnecessary turnover.4 The direct and indirect costs can amount to 5% of a country’s GDP. » En bref issu de l’étude.

Rédacteur(s) de la fiche : Beesens TEAM


1 - In tincidunt nunc ac velit tristique

  • Pellentesque congue, magna elementum suscipit vestibulum
  • Aenean eleifend sodales ipsum vitae consequat
  • Quisque est leo tempus vel purus eu, placerat tincidunt nisl

2 - Sed lobortis elit vitae mollis consectetur

  • In tincidunt nunc ac velit tristique
  • Donec accumsan elit ac ornare eleifend
  • Sed pellentesque suscipit quam ut finibus
  • Fusce imperdiet neque sit amet ipsum ullamcorper scelerisque

3 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

  • Pellentesque congue, magna elementum suscipit vestibulum
  • Aenean eleifend sodales ipsum vitae consequat
  • Quisque est leo tempus vel purus eu, placerat tincidunt nisl


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