How Dynamics 365 Guides is transforming remote nursing education

MICROSOFT, 08/02/2021

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Beesens TEAM

How Dynamics 365 Guides is transforming remote nursing education

"VILLEFRANCHE-SUR-SAÔNE (Rhône) (TICsanté) - Les établissements de santé devront désormais consacrer "une part de 5 à 10% de leur budget informatique à la cybersécurité" pour bénéficier du soutien de l'Etat, ont annoncé le 22 février Olivier Véran et Cédric O dans un communiqué de presse diffusé en marge d'un déplacement au CH de Villefranche-sur-Saône.
The pandemic has profoundly impacted educators across the world. Video calling technology has enabled millions of classes to continue at a distance but, it has shortcomings when it comes to teaching hands-on skills. This fall, the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan turned to mixed reality and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides for an alternative solution to these new challenges.

Dynamics 365 Guides is a mixed reality application for Microsoft HoloLens that allows users to create step-by-step instructions in 3D. Guide authors use text, images, videos, and holographic content to help workers learn complex physical procedures..." Lire la suite