Northwestern creates wearable sensor for detecting COVID-19 symptoms

Fierceelectronics, 21/05/2020

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Beesens TEAM

Northwestern creates wearable sensor for detecting COVID-19 symptoms

"Engineering researchers at Northwestern University are developing a small sensor that sticks to a person’s throat and detects cough patterns, respiratory sounds, heart rate and body temperature.
The postage stamp-sized sensor transmits continuous data streams via Bluetooth to a tablet or smartphone and then to the cloud for analysis via artificial intelligence (AI). Researchers hope to find patterns that indicate COVID-19 infections, potentially even before a person does, and eventually to help doctors develop treatment protocols.
Northwestern Prof. John Rogers led the technology’s development. The use of a sensor on the suprasternal notch on a person’s throat offers more accurate readings than a wearable watch or ring on the wrist or finger..." Lire la suite